anti-Horse IgM Host: Goat Unconjugated A.P.


anti-Horse IgM Host: Goat Unconjugated A.P.


1.0 mg

Catalog number



141 EUR

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This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided.Most polyclonal antibodies pabs are raised in rabbits as rabbit polyclonal antibodies.

Latin name

Capra aegagrus hircus


Horse (Equus ferus caballus) sera and plasma contain equine IgGs, Immunoglobulins. ELISA test are used to determine quantitatively the presence in horse serum of the antigen by a polyclonal antibody to the equine epitope selected for the ELISA kit. A blocking solution for the native horse or equine immunoglobulins in available in the ELISA protocol.Immunoglobulin M, or IgM for short, is a basic antibody that is produced by B cells. IgM is by far the physically largest antibody in the human circulatory system. It is the first antibody to appear in response to initial exposure to an antigen

Additional isotype



not conjugated