antibody to or anti-CHOLINE OXIDASE (Alcaligenes species) (Goat) antibody
1 vial
667 EUR
store cold
1 y
research antibodies, ELISAs, recombinant proteins, vectors and reagents for laboratory use
This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided.Monoclonals are usually produced in mouse as host species and polyclonals in rabbit or goat. Multi species reactivity is achieved by selecting consensus epitopes when blasting the gene for a reactive, innugenic epitope that is the same in the different target species.
If you buy Antibodies supplied by genways they should be stored frozen at - 24°C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°C.
Capra aegagrus hircus