Anti-Goat IgG (H&L) Antibody
2 miligrams
304 EUR
Anti-Rabbit anti Goat IgG (H&L)
Rabbit anti Caprine IgG (H&L)
Lapin anti Caprinae IgG (H&L)
IgG (H&L)
Rabbit anti Goat IgG, (H&L); Rabbit Antibody to Goat Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Heavy & Light chains
IgG; N/A
Polyclonal antibody
IgG (H&L) Based on immunoelectrophoresis, the antibody reacts with the heavy chains on goat IgG and with light chains common to most goat immunoglobulins. No antibody was detected against non-immunoglobulin serum proteins, but antibodies may cross-reac
Isolated from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography using antigens coupled to agarose beads Product is sterile filtered.
Affinity Purified, Liquid
Store at 2 to 8 degree C until opened. Prepare working dilution only prior to immediate use. Store remainder at 2 to 8 degree C under sterile conditions.
productone is a polyclonal antibody of high purity and binding affinity for the antigen that it is risen against. Properly used, this antibody will ensure excellent and reproducible results with guaranteed success for the applications that it is tested in. Polyclonal antibodies have series of advantages - larger batches can be supplied at a time, they are inexpensive to manufacture and respectively to buy, the time needed for production is considerably shorter. Polyclonal antibodies generally are more stable and retain their reactivity under unfavorable conditions. To obtain more detailed information on productone, please, refer to the full product datasheet.
In order to retain the quality and the affinity of productone unchanged, please, avoid cycles of freezing and thawing. For antibodies that are in liquid form or reconstituted lyophilized antibodies small amounts could become entrapped on the seal or the walls of the tube. Prior to use briefly centrifuge the vial to gather all the solution on the bottom.
This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided.
If you buy Antibodies supplied by MBS Polyclonals they should be stored frozen at - 24°C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°C.
Capra aegagrus hircus
Heavy & Light chains,IgG
Immunoglobulin gamma, IgG, mouse monoclonal H&L chain clones or rabbit, goat polyclonal antibodies have 4 parts. There are 2 heavy chains, 2 light chains. The IgG antibody has 2 antigen binding sites. They represent 70% or more of serum antibodies. This antibody can be antigen purified or protein A or G purified. For storage sodium azide is added or you can call us to request azide free antibody preparations. These will need colder storage temperatures.